
Geothermal power is cost effective, reliable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly.  It also has the potential to help mitigate global warming if widely deployed in place of fossil fuels.

Geothermal-photo1-webNuEnergy Technologies utilizes an integrated team approach to the entire geothermal project delivery process. All project stakeholders, funders, technical specialists, equipment vendors, construction contractors as well as the power customer are engaged in a collaborative effort from the very beginning of each project. This approach ensures that the end product is funded, designed and constructed to make the most efficient use of the available geothermal resource while also maximizing the overall benefits to as broad a range of the stakeholders as possible.

Although the focus of our Geothermal Division is the development of Geothermal Power Plants, NuEnergy has the unique benefit of being intimately involved with a wide range of renewable technologies that can be included in the overall energy production solution at a particular power plant location. This may include wind, solar, waste-to-energy and more.

Geothermal Project Team Development Sequence

(Note: NuEnergy has suspended its work on geothermal projects till it completes the independent testing and certification of its Thermal Electric Generator [HeatSeeker3].)

Stage One

– Initial team organization and site evaluation through research of available data.
– Takes approximately 3 months.
– At the end of Stage One, the initial sites for exploration will be identified.

Stage Twogeothermal-web2

– Obtaining access and leases to selected sites.
– Carry out any further exploration that may be needed to obtain a better understanding of  geologic conditions to reduce the risk associated with the more expensive subsequent step of resource confirmation drilling.
– One or more geophysical surveys (possibly including a magneto telluric-based electrical resistivity survey).
– An exploratory drilling program based on relatively shallow wells aimed at temperature gradient measurement is sometimes included in this stage of work.
– This stage normally takes approximately 15 months.

Stage Three

– Drilling wells on the sites to confirm and characterize available geothermal resources.
– This stage takes around 12 months.

Stage Four

– A detailed feasibility study of the results of Stage Three, intended to determine exactly what type and size generating plant could be constructed on any of the identified sites.
– This stage can be expected to take 4 months.

Stage Five

– Design and construction of the facilities, based upon the results of the feasibility study.
– This stage normally takes around 24 months.

The facility design developed by the NuEnergy team incorporates the most appropriate, proven, cost effective technology solution available and provides the maximum benefits to developer, the end user, the local community and the global environment.

Because geothermal is natural heat, there is no combustion, allowing these facilities to operate 24 hours a day 7 days a week, providing reliable, base load power.