Humanitarian Projects
It has been written that “A large segment of Africa’s population, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa and in the rural areas of the continent’s middle-income countries, lives in conditions of acute ‘energy poverty’.
Africa’s policy-makers face a formidable challenge of simultaneously reducing energy poverty while also responding to the increasing energy demand triggered by robust economic growth.
The challenge becomes more complex when one adds the requirement of moving to a low-carbon economy, adaptation of new technologies, and undertaking substantial investments to achieve a sustainable energy scenario. Alongside these challenges, come some unprecedented opportunities for the region to use international assistance in the transfer of technology to utilize its vast renewable energy resources, and to improve the technical and institutional efficiencies of various segments of the energy sector.
In order to contribute to this emerging need, the AFDB Board of Directors approved the Clean Energy Investment Framework (CEIF) in March 2008. The CEIF elaborates the main broad-based objectives of clean energy development to include:
– Accelerating the reduction of energy poverty and vulnerability, by increasing access of households and small economic operators to reliable and affordable energy supplies
– Facilitating sustained high rates of economic growth, by providing operators in the productive sectors with realistically priced electric power and energy supplies
– Contributing to world-wide energy security, by sustaining significant exports of energy resources to the rest of the world, while increasing African countries’ collective self-sufficiency and strengthening regional cooperation in energy services and products
– Promoting clean development and contributing to global emissions reduction efforts, by steadily raising energy efficiency on the supply side and encouraging a culture of energy saving on the demand side, increasing the contribution of renewable energy sources, and paying close attention to environmental and social externalities of energy production.
NuEnergy Technologies has developed an Empowerment Center based solution, our first offering being for African Villages.
The empowerment center which will be built at the center of the village for logistic as well as security reasons will provide the following:
– A low cost building which will serve as an empowerment center providing 3200 sq ft of class, guest, and administration space complete with 18Kw of electrical power (power supplies are optional and scalable)
– 960 sq ft of shaded outdoor communal space
– A school where villagers can learn the benefits of energy farming as well as other social-economic opportunities
– A communication center for CB, Radio, & Internet
– An angled roof towards the south to enhance PV & hot water collector efficiency, as well as a natural/simple way to harvest rain water to be stored in cisterns above or below the ground
– This roof will be made in such a way that it will also create shade so as to best keep the building as cool as possible
– keep the building as cool as possible
– Two overnight suites for guests, teachers/doctors etc.
– A simple kitchenette
– Limited clean water supply of 6000+ gallons per year -3000 gallon cistern
– Water treatment system using carbon activated filters & UV lighting
– Water pump & piping
– 320 sq/ft for First Aid treatment
– 2 Men & 2 Women Washrooms with (4) waterless self composting toilets, (2)vanities and (2) mirrors
– 2720 Sq. ft. of modified roof space & trough system for rain water harvesting
– 27 windows with reflective films to let light in and keep heat out
– 8 doors
– bamboo flooring throughout
– 3 sinks
– Cabinets
– Steel Stair
– L.E.D Lighting throughout.
A ceramic insulation which is applied at 16mm wet is sprayed on the outside of containers and dries to 10mm which aids in cooling, will give a uniform color and a R-20 value this is to minimize extreme heat as it is white in color it will also reflect sunlight resulting in cooler conditions.